$DOBLON is the game currency in Siege of Mytra, which will be farmed by players, through their in-game activity and it has lot of uses inside the game such as purchase for Castles Plot, find a new battle, pay the Troops and Mercenaries upkeep and purchase items and NFT in the in-game shop. There will be a maximum supply of $DOBLON.
$DOBLON Farming
Castles NFTs generate a small base amount of $DOBLON, which depends on Castle Level. Each level upgrade in Castles applies a multiplier to the amount of $DOBLON earned by the player each turn (remember each turn is one hour, based on server time) up to a maximum of 8 turns. In order to get the best farm return from $DOBLON the player should actively play Siege of Mytra.
$DOBLON Utilities
$DOBLON is required for the following situations:
Pay the Troops' Salaries.
Level up the Castles.
In case of looking for another opponent to the one proposed.
Acquire power-ups and NFTs in the in-game store.
Stake to activate the Seasonal Battle Pass.
Staking $DOBLON
Once the Battle Pass season is live, players will be able to stake $DOBLON for valuable rewards that can be claimed daily for the duration of the season. In this process, the player's $DOBLON will be blocked for 30 days, and after that period, 50% of the staked $DOBLON will return to his account, burning the remaining 50%. In this way, players support the stability of the $DOBLON by obtaining juicy rewards that they can use in combat or profit from the secondary market.
Being a Spanish company, we wanted to make a wink to the origin of the Spanish doubloon within the game and we wanted to rename it as $DOBLON, in order to bring a bit of our land to the players of the WAX Blockchain.
For more information about the origin of the Spanish Doubloon you can see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doubloon
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