How to attack a enemy's Castle

First of all, a player needs troops to attack. Please press the "Remove" button the Castle screen to set them up for combat.

Click the “Crossing Sword” button on the main screen to find an enemy. Click “Match” to find an enemy, click “Cancel” button to go back.

Then, a new popup appears to show the troops of the enemy’s Castle. Two options are available:

  1. Change for a new combat (this cost 10 $DOBLON)

  2. Attack the proposed enemy.

If you’ve decided to attack this castle, click “Attack” and select all your troops available up to 16 sockets. Click the “Attack” button to start the combat. Can be tracked here: combat table.

Then, the player can see all the animations in the combat and a result popup appears at the end. If a player wins, get $DOBLON, else lose $DOBLON. On ranked combat in v2 on Mainnet, each win or lose changes the Player Elo to rank and get rewards in NFT and $DOBLON.

Click on the “Ok” button to back the “Combat” screen and continue to battle.

Last updated